About the Initiative
The Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life is a unique effort to promote civil and substantive dialogue on Catholic social thought and national and global issues; build bridges across political, religious, and ideological lines; and encourage a new generation of Catholic lay leaders to see their faith as an asset in pursuing the common good.
Established in 2013, the Initiative has held more than 185 dialogues and other gatherings with more than 360,000 people. It has held five national Convenings on poverty, Catholic social thought, polarization, lay leadership, and advancing Pope Francis' mission and message.
Through its gatherings, the Initiative has brought together a U.S. president, cardinals, U.S. senators and representatives, journalists, academics, religious and community leaders, students and faculty, and the broader public. These dialogues bring honest and faithful discussion to a hurting Church and a divided nation.
At a time of polarization, the Initiative’s Public Dialogues, outreach to young and Latino leaders, and National Leadership Convenings offer alternatives to this hurt and division, building bridges, promoting lay leadership, and using the principles of Catholic social thought to renew the Church and advance the common good.