The Initiative is proud to work with partners at Georgetown, in the Catholic Church, and around the world.
Georgetown University
Baker Center for Leadership & Governance at the Institute of Politics and Public Service
Berkley Center for Religion, Peace, and World Affairs
Catholic Chaplaincy
Catholic Student Fellowship
Catholic Studies Program
Center for Jewish Civilization
Center for Social Justice
Collaborative on Global Children’s Issues
Kalmanovitz Initiative for Labor and the Working Poor
Georgetown Alumni Club of Metropolitan Washington, D.C.
Georgetown Law
Georgetown Law Campus Ministry
Georgetown Law Environmental Law Program and Climate Change Center
Georgetown Law Office of Mission and Ministry
Georgetown Representative Office in Rome
Georgetown Solidarity Committee
Global Futures Initiative
Institute for the Study of International Migration
Institute for Women, Peace, and Security
Institute of Politics and Public Service
McCourt School of Public Policy
McCourt School’s Center on Faith and Justice
Office of Federal Relations
Office of Mission & Ministry
Office of the President
Prisons & Justice Initiative
School of Continuing Studies
School of Nursing and Health Studies’ Population Health Initiative
Women’s Center
Dicastery for Promoting Integral Human Development
Pontifical Council for Culture
United States Conference of Catholic Bishops
Department of Justice, Peace, and Human Development (JPHD)
Department of Migration and Refugee Services (MRS)
National Advisory Team on Young Adult Ministry (NATYAM)
Secretariat of Laity, Marriage, Family Life and Youth (LMFLY)
Secretariat of Cultural Diversity in the Church (CDC)
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington
Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Washington
Young Adult Ministry Theology on Tap program
Other Colleges and Universities
Catholic Theological Union, Bernardin Center
Boston College, Boisi Center
Fordham University, Center for Religion and Culture
Fordham University, Taking Responsibility Initiative
Gregorian University Foundation
Harvard University, Institute for Quantitative Social Science’s Human Flourishing Program
Loyola University Chicago, Hank Center for the Catholic Intellectual Heritage
Santa Clara University, Markkula Center for Applied Ethics
Seattle University, Center for Catholic Thought and Culture
University of Notre Dame, Cushwa Center for the Study of American Catholicism
University of Notre Dame, Keough School of Global Affairs
University of Southern California, Institute for Advanced Catholic Studies
Xavier University, Institute for Black Catholic Studies
America Media
Awake Milwaukee
Bread for the World
Catholic Mobilizing Network
Catholic Relief Services
Connelly Foundation
Convergence Center for Policy Resolution
Crossroads Cultural Center
Democracy Fund
Fraternity of Communion and Liberation
Holy Trinity Catholic Church
GHR Foundation
La Civiltà Cattolica (Rome)
Leadership Roundtable
Millennial Journal
National Association of Evangelicals
Office of Justice and Ecology of the Jesuit Conference of Canada and the U.S.
Raskob Foundation
Saint John Neumann ACTION Committee in Reston, Virginia
Scholas Occurrentes