Christian Soenen
Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life
Christian Soenen is the projects manager of the Initiative, where he coordinates logistics, office, and administrative matters; manages traditional, digital, and social media outreach; and plays a key role in the Latino Leader Gatherings. Christian has a background in migration issues and is a graduate of the University of Texas at Austin, where he studied government and philosophy.
Phone: 202-687-1662

May 22, 2024
Climate Change, Environmental Justice, and Latino Priorities Event
Pope Francis declared nine years ago in his powerful encyclical Laudato Si’ that “a true ecological approach always becomes a social approach; it must integrate questions of justice in debates on the environment, so as to hear both the cry of the…

January 29, 2024
Breaking Barriers: Latinos and Education, Economic Mobility, and the Catholic Church Event
Many Latinos in the United States are left behind in education, economic life, and political life. Educational attainment among Latinos lags behind national averages for high school completion, college education, and other important educational…

October 18, 2023
Strengthening Community and Resisting Individualism Event
Individualism too often defines our current social and political moment in the United States. It contributes to polarization, civic disengagement, and general apathy, and it has contributed to the weakening of democratic processes and norms.…

April 24, 2023
Human Dignity and the Migration Crisis at the U.S. Southern Border Event
The humanitarian crisis at the U.S.-Mexico border has been visible for decades, but it has now reached an unprecedented level of urgency. Political unrest, ecological disasters, economic deprivation, and intensifying violence have resulted in…

October 27, 2022
What is the Good Life Now? Event
If you are a young adult living in Washington, DC, or another city in the United States, how can you find purpose when politics seem irreconcilably divisive, church leaders seem out of touch, personal and systemic challenges seem insurmountable, and…

Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life Georgetown Unit
The Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life is a unique effort to promote dialogue on Catholic social thought and national and global issues, build bridges across political, religious, and ideological lines, and encourage a new…

Is Partisanship a Threat to Faithful Citizenship or a Way to Live it Out? Video
It’s sometimes difficult to be both a committed Republican or Democrat and a committed Catholic. In the United States, neither party’s priorities reflect the full range of Catholic social teaching, and at the same time, political parties are powerful…

Seeking the Common Good in an Election Year Video
In a polarized nation during a contentious campaign season, the idea that politics can help achieve the common good seems surprising. Politics too often appears to be about struggle over control rather than collaboration. The interests of the few are…

Breaking Barriers: Latinos and Education, Economic Mobility, and the Catholic Church Video
Many Latinos in the United States are left behind in education, economic life, and political life. Educational attainment among Latinos lags behind national averages for high school completion, college education, and other important educational…

Strengthening Community and Resisting Individualism Video
Individualism too often defines our current social and political moment in the United States. It contributes to polarization, civic disengagement, and general apathy, and it has contributed to the weakening of democratic processes and norms.…

What is the Good Life Now? Video
If you are a young adult living in Washington, DC, or another city in the United States, how can you find purpose when politics seem irreconcilably divisive, church leaders seem out of touch, personal and systemic challenges seem insurmountable, and…