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May 23, 2023

Young Leaders Seeking a Better Kind of Politics

At a time when young adult Catholics face personal, religious, and political challenges, the Initiative brought together a select group of young leaders in Washington for good food, drink, and conversation to explore how together we can seek what Pope Francis calls “a better kind of politics, one truly at the service of the common good.” At this informal reception and dinner for about 30 invited young leaders, we discussed how, with our faith, Catholic social thought can shape and enrich participation in public life and politics. We also discussed how the Initiative can most effectively work together with young leaders to offer opportunities for discussion and networking, as well as support for one another as we live out our faith.

Participants in this select dinner met other young Catholics, learned more about the work of the Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life, offered their own perspectives and advice, and heard reflections from two respected leaders—writer Pete Davis and Washington Post columnist Christine Emba—on how they are seeking “a better kind of politics” in their personal and professional lives in the midst of so many challenges.

This Salt and Light Gathering was for Catholics under 40 years old in Washington to help them explore links between faith, Catholic social thought, and their lives and work.


Pete Davis

Pete Davis

Pete Davis is a writer and civic advocate. He is the author of Dedicated: The Case for Commitment in An Age of Infinite Browsing (2021) and is co-producing a documentary with Robert Putnam on the civic crisis and potential for civic revival in America.

Christine Emba

Christine Emba

Christine Emba is an opinion columnist on ideas and society and editor at the Washington Post and the author of Rethinking Sex: A Provocation (2022).