Georgetown University hosted the Washington premiere of Join or Die, which tells the story of America’s civic unraveling through the journey of legendary social scientist Robert Putnam. The film analyzes America’s decades-long decline in community connections and offers examples and hope for a renewal of civic life and potential answers to our democracy's present crisis. Watch the trailer.
After the Washington premiere of the film and a leadership reception in Riggs Library, Georgetown hosted a major Public Dialogue in Gaston Hall to explore the themes of the film with Robert Putnam, Eboo Patel, Justin Giboney, filmmakers Pete and Rebecca Davis, and Nicole Perone. These respected leaders examined the crisis of loneliness and how American values and Catholic social teaching can move us forward to help renew community and democracy.
Kim Daniels, director of the Initiative and member of the Vatican Dicastery for Communication, moderated the dialogue.
This dialogue was co-sponsored by the Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life and the Center on Faith and Justice at Georgetown University.
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