The United States has a new president with new policies on immigration and refugees. There is a new Congress with old divisions. Developments on the U.S.-Mexico border and violence against Asian Americans and immigrants raise old fears and new challenges. The human, moral, social, and economic costs of our broken immigration system are tests of our faith and nation. What is happening? What needs to happen?
This Public Dialogue brought together leaders from the border, on policy, in the Catholic Church, and from the immigrant community to examine the following questions:
- What are immigration realities, challenges, responsibilities, and opportunities on the border and in our communities?
- What are the responsibilities of the United States? To its citizens? To immigrants? On borders? Regarding asylum?
- What are the conditions in Central America and other places that push people to migrate? What can be done about those conditions?
- What are the elements of effective, just, and compassionate immigration reform? What will it take for Congress to pass such legislation?
- What biblical mandates, Catholic principles, and moral values should offer paths forward?
- What immigration policies, priorities, enforcement, and practices should be pursued or avoided by the Biden administration?
Kim Daniels, co-director of the Initiative, moderated this dialogue.
View a list of articles, books, podcasts, and other resources for this dialogue.