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November 2, 2015

Hagamos Oír Nuestra Voz: A Conversation with Cardinal Oscar Rodríguez

Hagamos Oír Nuestra Voz: A Conversation with Cardinal Oscar Rodríguez
How can young Latino leaders make a difference in the world and be heard in the Church? Cardinal Oscar Rodríguez Maradiaga is a key advisor to Pope Francis, the first cardinal from Honduras, and a leader on immigration, economic justice, and care for creation. This information session offered young Latino professionals a chance to listen, learn, and ask questions of one of the most important leaders in the Americas, the Church, and the world.
This program was especially for Latino leaders under 40 and included a reception and time for networking. In this informal conversation, Cardinal Rodríguez advised young Latino professionals on how we can share experience and expertise to make our voices heard. He also discussed how we can help advance Pope Francis' call to protect the planet and the poor and to uphold the life and dignity of all.

This gathering was part of the Catholic Latino Leadership Initiative/Iniciativa de Liderazgo Católico
and was hosted by the Initiative on Catholic Social Thought and Public Life.

Cardinal Oscar Rodríguez Maradiaga
is chair of Pope Francis' Council of Cardinals and former president of Caritas Internationalis.